Arkansas Student Empowerment Project (ASEP): Engaging Future Leaders in Prevention and Service" is part of the Called2Duty (C2D) initiative, spearheaded by Camp Alliance and co-led by the Office of the Drug Director. This initiative focuses on empowering and supporting Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) to address the opioid crisis. This project aims to develop prevention and intervention strategies to combat substance use disorders among youth and families.
ASEP collaborates with a range of stakeholders, including the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) and Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JR-ROTC) programs. These programs play a crucial role in shaping future leaders and are essential partners in the initiative's efforts to prevent and intervene in substance use disorders among children, youth, and families affected by opioid and other substance use. The project will leverage the expertise and resources of Camp Alliance, Drug Directors Office, National Guard Counter Drug Team, ROTC, and JR-ROTC programs to strengthen community responses to stand-up coalitions in Purple Star Schools across the state.
Students will investigate healthy and unhealthy behaviors related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs while understanding the physical, psychological, and legal consequences for themselves and others.
How can I engage in healthy and responsible behaviors related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
Level A
Level B
I can discuss the appropriate use of medications, including taking medicine from reliable adults and following directions.
I can identify the effects of alcohol and tobacco use that make them harmful to self and others.
Level C
I can discuss avoidance strategies for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
Level D
I can discuss physical and psychological damage resulting from long-term use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Level E
I can analyze the misuse of and dependency on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and identify support and resources for treatment.
Level F
I can evaluate the family, societal, and legal impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Level G
I can describe the effects of the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Level H
I can analyze substance abuse and identify available resources to combat addiction.
ASPIRE by MD Anderson
• ASPIRE is a bilingual, online tool that helps middle and high school teens learn about being tobacco-free. It explains the dangers of tobacco and nicotine use, so they never start smoking. Or, if they already do, it gives information and ways to quit.
Prescription for Life
• This interactive course empowers high school students with the skills and knowledge they need to make safe and healthy decisions about prescription drugs, using an evidence-based, public health approach.
Project Prevent: Youth Tobacco & Nicotine Prevention
• Project Prevent provides classroom education resources/training for middle school and high school students specifically for tobacco and nicotine prevention including vaping and JUUL.
JUUL: The 411
• This program provides classroom education resources/training for middle school and high school students specifically about JUUL.
• To request a classroom presentation contact the community health
nurse specialist at the local education service cooperative:
• Take Down Tobacco: Free online courses to get the knowledge, skills, and tools to fight tobacco use in your school.